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If we look for the cause in a racial basis, then the European race is in the greatest danger. The causative agent of the onset of the autoimmune process can be natural, hereditary reactions to order etoricoxib online in the environment or internal environment. some mutated genes cause the synthesis of antibodies. If at the initial stages the consequences caused by brain demyelination are reversible, then in the future, with more neglected conditions, there will be no such possibility. The main symptoms of brain demyelination are signs of neurological disorders. Their manifestation begins with visual failures. Over time, the patient comes to understand that there have been some problems in his body and he goes to see a specialist.

However, the problem is that verbal descriptions of symptoms alone are not enough to make a diagnosis, which requires a more thorough examination. Neurological disorders may be a sign of brain demyelination. Demyelinating diseases. For medical professionals, the main thing is to understand the causes and, based on them, choose methods of treatment. Life expectancy also depends on the disease provocateur. With some, you can live for decades, and the presence of others can lead to death in two years. Major demyelinating diseases. The diagnosis of brain demyelination begins, usually with magnetic resonance imaging, since at the moment it is one of the most effective and reliable methods for detecting demyelinating foci. They are usually found in the white matter of the brain. In addition, it is safe for pregnant women and children.

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Treatment goals for demyelination in the brain. stopping the destruction of myelin fibers, which requires the neutralization of dangerous antibodies. Good remedies in this case will serve as drugs such as. betaferon, avonex, copaxone. Betaferon drugs are used to treat multiple sclerosis. They can significantly reduce the likelihood of complications in the form of disability and an increased incidence of etoricoxib pills. The death threat is reduced.

Immunoglobulins and their preparations can reduce the production of immunoprotective complexes - antibodies. They are used during exacerbations of diseases provoked by demyelination. The course is designed for five days. The drug is injected under the skin intravenously. Liquor filtration is a very effective method. This procedure consists in passing the cerebrospinal fluid through a special antibody-clearing device. Complete elimination is guaranteed. Blood plasmapheresis is one of the traditional methodsdoves of treatment, also removes immune substances and antibodies.

The second such method is glucocorticoids, which suppress the functioning of the immune system, the synthesis of antimyelin bodies, and weaken the inflammation caused by them. The treatment of symptoms lies in the therapy, including nootropics, painkillers, anticonvulsants and neuroprotectors. To buy arcoxia online the transmission of nerve impulses, B-vitamins are prescribed. In some cases, antidepressants are prescribed. In most cases, complete treatment of brain demyelination is not completely possible. The main task of physicians is to weaken the further impact of antibodies on the nervous system through the use of therapeutic agents and devices. Teams of scientists around the world are now working to find new, more useful solutions to this problem. How to detect demyelination of the brain.

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Brain demyelination is a pathological process characterized by the destruction of the myelin sheath around neurons and pathways. Myelin is a substance that envelops the long and short processes of nerve cells. With its help, an electric impulse reaches a speed of 100 m / s. The demyelinating process impairs signal conduction, which reduces the rate of transmission of the nerve impulse. Demyelination is a general process that unites the group of demyelinating diseases of the nervous system, which includes.

The destruction of myelin sheaths is of two types. Myelinopathy is the destruction of already existing myelin proteins against the background of biochemical disorders in myelin. That is, pathological elements in myelin are destroyed. Most often it is genetic in nature. Myelinoclastia is the destruction of arcoxia pills formed myelin under the influence of external and internal factors. Another classification is determined by the location of the damage. Destruction of myelin in the central nervous system. Destruction of myelin in the peripheral nervous system.

All diseases based on demyelination are predominantly of an autoimmune nature. This means that the immunity of a sick person regards myelin as an enemy agent (antigen) and produces antibodies to it (myelin is a protein). The antigen-antibody complex settles on the surface of the myelin protein, after which the protective cells of the immune system destroy it. There are other causes of the pathological process.

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Factors that determine the likelihood of developing major diseases. frequent hypothermia, poor nutrition, stress, smoking and alcohol, work in polluted and difficult conditions. The clinical picture of demyelination of the brain does not give specific symptoms. Signs of the pathological process are determined by the localization of the focus - the part of the brain where myelin is destroyed.

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Speaking about common diseases in which demyelination is the leading syndrome, one can single out such ailments and their clinical picture. The pyramidal path is affected. the excitability of arcoxia pills, muscle strength decreases up to paralysis, rapid fatigue in the muscles. The cerebellum is affected. the coordination of movements of symmetrical muscles is disturbed, trembling appears in the limbs, coordination of higher motor acts is upset.

The first symptom is blurred vision. its accuracy decreases (up to loss). In severe cases, the functions of the pelvic organs are impaired. urination and defecation are no longer consciously controlled. Movement disorders. paraparesis - a decrease in muscle strength in the arms or legs, tetraparesis - a decrease in muscle strength in all 4 limbs. Later, the brain becomes inflamed, subcortical foci of demyelination appear, which leads to a disorder of mental functions. decrease in intelligence, reaction speed, attention span. With complicated dynamics, the spinal cord necrotizes, which manifests itself in the form of a complete disappearance of movements and sensitivity at the level of the affected segment.